The leaves used for the reading must be brought to a person who has this gift and should have some qualities: the most desirable are the colour and freshness of the leaves. The reading is carried out on a handmade red fabric, although long ago it was done on pre-Inca textiles. The consultation implies the presence of a religious image and a bell; the officer must ask for permission to make the reading through prayers in Quechua or Aymara, the two main pre-Hispanic languages. After that, the bell is rung in the direction of the four cardinal points and a signal is made holding some coca leaves in these same directions. Occasionally, both the consultant and the officer chew coca leaves before beginning the ritual. According to tradition, if the taste is sweet it’s possible to continue the ritual, if they’re bitter it’s recommended not to do so.
It’s starts with the officer who puts a leave on both edges of the fabric, showing the front on one side and on the other the rear of them. This will help to understand if the answer is positive or negative. Then a handful of leaves is dropped on the fabric and the quantity of leaves that fall showing the front side is more often a positive response. The same answer is attributed if the majority of larger leaves fall to the edges of the fabric. The interpretation also includes the shape of the leaves, shades and other characteristics.
Shamans ensure that in the particular case of the coca leaf, they meet with the Mother Spirit, the soul of the plant. These spiritual teachers, in this ritual, communicate from spirit to spirit, plunging into a higher state of consciousness. Our traditions and rituals consider the coca plant sacred,its seed belongs to the plant kingdom and is created for Mother Earth, for our healing and guidance.
Included / Not included
- Shaman or Andean Priest, responsible for the Ceremony.
- Private transport.
- Guide and translator.